About Marcy Petrini

Marcy has been weaving since the mid-70s and teaching since the early 80’s. She teaches a weekly class at the William Waller Mississippi Craft Center, sponsored by the Craftsmen’s Guild of Mississippi, Inc. (CGM); she has also taught around the country and for many Convergences™ sponsored by the Handweavers’ Guild of America, Inc. (HGA). She writes monographs and is the contributing special feature writer and columnist for Right from the Start which appears in the quarterly Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, the publication of HGA.

Marcy has been active in her local Chimneyville Weavers and Spinners Guild which has awarded her life membership; she has served on the HGA board of directors and as president in the 90’s, and as an Examiner for the Certificate of Excellence in Handweaving. She has also worked on the board and on various committees for the CGM where she earned the Presidential Volunteer Award.

She weaves, spins, knits and writes in Jackson, MS where she lives with her web-master and photographer husband, Terry Dwyer.

She recently received the Lifetime Achievement Award 2016 from the Craftsmen’s Guild of Mississippi.

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